Youth Education & Activities

Civilian Marksmanship Program For Junior Shooters

October – End of March, Every Monday at 6:00 PM

The CMP Junior Rifle program starts in October and continues through the end of March one night every week. Youngsters ages 10 through 20 are eligible to participate. Certified instructors teach gun safety (with emphasis!) and rifle marksmanship on the indoor range. The juniors shoot the NRA three position rifle course. Ear protection, eye protection, .22 target rifles, ammunition, targets, mats, shooting coats, and spotting scopes are provided at no charge. At the end of the season a dinner is held and awards are presented to the juniors. Juniors do not need to be club member’s children.

Hunter Safety Education

Hunters Safety classes are held twice each year.  Check the club’s online calendar for dates.

 Call Dave Francis 231-676-7673 for information..  Space is limited and pre-registration is needed to insure a spot in the class.  Classes are open to all ages 10 years old and younger must be accompanied by parent for the class.  A safe hunters patch will be made available. Classes fill fast.  No walk-ins allowed

To register you must go online, go to Michigan DNR Hunter education course. Then select Recreational Safety and Hunter Education -DNR-State of Michigan. Select search for classes. Select Hunter Education -Traditional Course. View upcoming events. Enter the zip code code 49735 and enter search. Scroll down to our class. Enter view and register. 


Online Registration for the May 3-4, 2025 Traditional Hunter Safety class.

Registration opens Thursday, March 20, 2025.


Free Ice Fishing Derby

February Each Year

In February on the MDNR free fishing weekend, a Ice Fishing Derby for children is held on Otsego Lake.  Tackle and bait are furnished. Volunteer club members bore the holes. All you need to bring are children. Hot chocolate is available at the lake. A free lunch is served at the clubhouse.  Prizes are given for the first fish caught; the biggest fish caught, and the most fish caught. Then a drawing is held for the children. This is open and free  to the public. Chairman is Jim Monforton  989-619-9393