Weekly & Monthly Shooting Events
Indoor Adult 22 Shoot
Sunday and Wednesday November through end of March 10:00 am-Noon. .22 rimfire only. Bring your own firearm, ammo, eye and hearing protection. Targets provided. Range fees apply. Contact Gerry Mathews 989-619-2508 for more information .

Bullseye (Precision) Pistol
Indoor Bullseye (.22 caliber only) shooting starts the first Tuesday in October and continues every Tuesday through April. Two sessions 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm are available to shooters. Additional Sunday shooting starts in January at 5 pm and will also continue through April. Range fees apply.
The NRA indoor gallery course of fire (Slow, Timed, and Rapid) is followed. All new shooters are welcome. If you have a .22 caliber handgun, hearing and eye protection; come down and give this a try. There will be experienced shooters available to assist new people getting started in this sport. For more information contact Russ Minnerick (231) 587 9311

Bowling Pin Shoot
Shoot 3 tables of 5 pins each or 5 pin heads(22 only). Fastest time gets ½ the pot, second place gets 30%, and third place gets 10%. Fastest table gets 10%. 25 feet, all pins must be off the table. Free shoot each year is the last Wednesday in April. Regular season starts the first Wednesday of May. Range fees apply.
Be sure to check calendar for changes in start date due to weather.

Hunter Pistol Silhouette
Hunter Pistol Silhouette is held on the rifle range from May through September every Tuesday with a set-up time of 5:30 pm and a start time of 6:00 pm. Any handgun with or without optics may be used. Straight walled pistol cartridges only. The favorite cartridge of most shooters is the .22 LR. If you wish to shoot big bore, only lead bullets and light loads are allowed. Range fees apply.
Targets are metal “cut outs” of chickens, pigs, turkeys, and rams that are spaced between 40 and 100 yards.
New shooters are welcome. This is a challenging sport for the seasoned handgun hunter or just the casual plinker. For additional information you may contact Russ Minnerick at 231-587-9311

Shot Gun
Tuesday and Friday 4:30-8:00 pm, year round (please check calendar). Trap, Skeet and Five Stand. Open to the public. Range fees apply. Contact Todd Hill 989-350-3519.

High Power and Vintage Rifle Matches
CMP and NRA matches are held periodically on the weekend through the spring, summer and fall. Check the UP COMING events area or the event calendar. First time match participants need to pass a safety class at least 48 hours prior to the match. Contact Gary Russell for more information 989-370-5389.

Defensive Sport Shooting
Northland Sportsmen’s Club has started a new type of competitive shooting. Defensive Sport Shooting is aimed at encouraging all men and women, with or without their CPL, to come out and familiarize themselves with the course and their equipment. We will strive to have exercises that will help the shooter handle their equipment more efficiently and SAFELY. This event will be open to the public. Four to five separate shooting stages will be offered with a different Course of Fire for each stage. A shooter will be required to shoot from “cover”, move from one shooting position to another, change magazines and/or reload a revolver. The shooter may be required to efficiently clear mis-fires, should one occur, and do this while maintaining SAFE gun handling procedures at all times.
Practice sessions will be held the second through the last Thursday of the month starting the last Thursday in April and run through the end of September at 6 pm, with a mandatory safety meeting before we start shooting. Range fees apply. It will take place at the Pistol Range and will consist of up to five courses of Fire. The purpose of this event is to acquaint the shooters with the SAFETY rules and give a good “taste of the action”. We will also be looking for volunteers to assist in the management of future events.
There may be a competition on the second Saturday of each month May-September at 10 am (depending on participation and availability of volunteers to set up). Range fees will apply. This event will consist of at least 5 shooting stations.
In order to participate, you must have eye and ear protection, a strong side hip holster, and multiple magazines to enable you to shoot at least 25 rounds in a single Course of Fire.
Please come out and join us in a fun shooting experience!
If you have any questions regarding this program contact:
Ken Sewell 989-390-2233