Women On Target Educational Clinic


Pre-registration with $50.00 non-refundable registration fee.   35 participants, first time class attenders considered first.  To register for this clinic, go to:


An Instructional Shooting Clinic held once a year at the Club. Students will receive instruction on firearm safety and their operation and also the  oportunity  to handle and shoot handguns, rifles, shotguns and archery equipment. The Clinics are limited to 35 participants per class and Pre-registration is required. There is a $50.00  non-refundable registration fee.   Everything that you need for this clinic is provided:  Eye protection, hearing protection and firearms. (hand guns, rifles and shot guns).  Classroom instruction takes place in the morning, lunch is provided and range instruction in the afternoon.  One-on-one instruction is provided to the participants at the ranges.

Instruction is provided by club member volunteers and funding for these Clinics has been  provided by a grant from Friends of NRA Foundation.

For more information on the Women On Target Clinics, Please contact:

Micki Morin , NSC-WOT