Northland Sportsmen’s Club Ranges
Outdoor Ranges
#1 Bowling Pin Range: Covered firing line, 25 feet. See Shooting Events Page for details.
#2 Pistol Range: Covered firing line with benches. offering 7 yd, 25 yd and 50 yd boards.
#3 Rifle Range: Covered firing line with benches, offering 50 yd and 100 yd boards.
#4 Range: Covered Firing line with benches offering 7 yd and 25 yd boards.
#5 Range: Not covered offering 50 yd boards.
#6 Range: Covered Firing line with benches offering 50 yd boards.
#7 Range: Defensive Sport Shooting Range See Shooting Event Page for times (This range is closed while the rifle range is open as they are down range from the firing line of the rifle range)
#8 Range: Defensive Sport Shooting Range See Shooting Event Page for times (This range is closed while the rifle range is open as they are down range from the firing line of the rifle range)
#9 Range: Defensive Sport Shooting Range See Shooting Event Page for times (This range is closed while the rifle range is open as they are down range from the firing line of the rifle range)
Archery Range
Shot Gun Range: Five Stand, Trap and Skeet
Indoor Range
Indoor .22 Range: 50 feet Late fall and winter shooting. Please see Shooting Event Page for details.
*See Shooting Events and Calendar pages for information on range use. Our ranges are for member use only. Range fees apply for our organized scheduled weekly shooting events. The shotgun range is open to the public Tuesday and Friday 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm.
NOTE: Law Enforcement will have scheduled range times on ranges #2 and #3 on Mondays and Wednesdays all year. PLEASE CHECK THE CALENDAR before heading to the range. The ranges not used by law enforcement will be open for member use. There may be an occasional time law enforcement may need to have ranges closed during there special shoots and will be indicated on the calendar.

Shotgun Range

Pistol Range #2

Bowling Pin Range #1

Indoor 22
Northland Sportsmen’s Club
1592 Old Alba Rd. Gaylord, MI 49735 * PO BOX 34 Gaylord, MI 49734 989-732-6389
Concealed Carry and Open Carry Guns must remain holstered at ALL times on club property. This pertains to club buildings and ranges. Designated firing lines are the ONLY location Carry Guns can be unholstered.
1. Follow all NRA Safe Gun Handling Rules
a. Always treat all firearms like they are loaded.
b. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
c. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
d. Know your target and what’s beyond it.
2. No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs is allowed on the range.
3. The range gate should be closed and locked after entry and exit from the range.
4. The outdoor ranges are for the exclusive use of members in good standing and their guests except for public events and matches. Guests may only shoot when accompanied by a member. Members are responsible for their guests.
5. Firearms should be brought to the line cased and unloaded. Firearms are to be loaded on the firing line only.
6. No crossfire on targets is allowed. Also, take care that your bullet will impact the berm and not above it.
7. Target changers will not go down range until all firearms are unloaded, actions open, and the range is declared safe. People on the firing line will not handle firearms while target changers or any other person is down range.
8. Any approved paper, caliber appropriate metal, or bowling pin type targets may be used. Metal targets may not be set any closer than 40 feet. Glass bottles or metal cans are not allowed. Club targets and target stands may not be used except for club events.
9. Paper targets should be stapled or pinned to the target boards. Please do not use nails. Do not place targets in front of the support posts or in front of the metallic silhouette stands on the rifle range.
10. Tracer, incendiary, or signal flare ammunition is not allowed. Notice: This applies to all ranges including the shotgun range.
11. Clean up before you leave. Pick up brass. Remove targets including portable targets and all trash.
12. Vehicles are not allowed on the ranges except for maintenance.
13. Normal range hours are from sunup to sundown. No shooting is allowed after 10:00 PM unless you have written permission from the Club Range Officer in your possession.
14. All ranges are available to membership for use except Ranges 7, 8, and 9. Please check the online calendar for range closures and range reservations.
15. Each member and guest are responsible for following these rules and conducting themselves in a safe manner.
Revised 9/3/20. These rules have been approved and are enforced by the Board of Directors.